
24 Aralık 2012 Pazartesi

multi-media entry 3


    Test anxiety mostly results from the personal structures of parents.Some parents are very anxious and distressed.They think that the child who goes to school will be in trouble.This anxiety of parents often passes to the child.

   Some parents are perfectionist,rigorous and prim.They are intolerant.As they know the most accurate one,they expect others to abide by this rules.They want to decide how,what and when their child will study.They think their child will not achieve if he does not study in the way they decide.In other words,they struggle to control their child's life completely.On the contrary,this may cause the child to behave conversely.

   Some parents are in dreams to being the most beautiful,handsome and successful.They want their child to be like that.If it does not happen,they may be disappointed.They see their child's success as their own success.This is a source of concern for the child.

  Some parents'self-confidence is low.How well the child prepare for exam,both parents and child can not live the comfort of being ready.Moreover,people like this have high expectations.

     Some parents are shy.They think about things which society says and they live for this.They are afraid of doing wrong something because they are afraid of being ashamed in society.They reflect these fears to the child.They want   their child not to be ashamed.


reflection entry 3

                                     LIVING THE MOMENT

      Let's think the baby who is in the first period of his life.Firstly,it is wondered when he will get walking and talking skills.When he walks a little,he  is sent to kindergarten or primary school.He finds himself in the marathon test when he is at the end of primary school age.When he starts going to high school,it is wondered whether he passes the university exams or not.When he passes the exams,the arguments about vocational and university preferences start.When he finishes the university,it is expected that he must find a good job.Then,he has to join the army.He is expected to marry and when he marries,he is asked to have a baby.Even if he has a baby,pressures will never finish.

        This situation is so common in a large part of society that it causes to forget that the life which we live in belongs to us and we are free about our choices.While we are running through the endless targets with values of the society,neither can we understand values of what we have,nor we can give enough value to our people we like.We postpone our dreams and suppress our longing.When we aware of this situation,we will have come to the end of our life.

        We must learn to live without postponing our dreams because tomorrow may be very late to recover time that we lose.

22 Aralık 2012 Cumartesi

multi-media entry 2

                      BEATING TO MEMATI'S MURDERER

             Rating race that has been increasing among televisions recently causes     irreparable harms on young people.Tv serials which include violence make bad     effects on young people who are in the age of development.Young people  reflect to their own behavior and attitude by acting like heroes of these tv serials.Particularly,young people who grow in environment that includes communication problems within family are directly affected from uncontrolled and unsupervised tv serials.

         A group of people beats an actor for he kills a person who is liked  by these people on tv serial.It is evident that people are affected by tv serials.No people can say that they are not affected by tv serials.This is acceptable for not only young people but also adults.There are good and bad people on tv serials.We see as if bad people were bad in real life and good people were good in real life.So,we do not like or like those people in real life.I could never understand that.How can people confuse a scenario with real life?People just act on tv serials.Is it hard to see that for people except from young people?If they are unable to do this distinction,they will not watch tv serials because almost all tv serials today include violence or bad things.

         Tv serials must be televised after they are controlled by experts.For this ,legal regulation must be created.We must not watch each tv serial because we can undertand its topic immediately.We must object to these tv serials.Only in this way,these tv serials can decrease because they do not draw attention.We must aware of this issue for our children's health.

reflection entry 2


                        IMPROPER TV SERİALS

   Many tv serials are televised on Turkish televisions each season.Comman topics of tv serials are usually love,liaison,violence,betrayal,murder and unhapiness.It is hard to come across positive and promising topics.It is regarded as if betraying was normal thing.
    Many of tv serials which  are shown to people as family tv serials are not appropriate for our family structure.We see tv serials that make fun of our own traditions and become bad examples to our young people on screens very often.With some immoralities that are shown on tv serials,It is intended to be normalized situations like these in our society.For instances,groom of the house accosts to each girl in the house.Togetherness without wedding is shown as a normal thing.None of these abides by family structure of our society.
    Other important topic is children's tv serials.Today,things like magic have been used on children's tv serials very much.These give children bad messages like 'you can peek life of person you want','you can listen to conversations of people you want'.Moreover,children confuse imagination with the real world.They belive that anything will be whenever they want.When this doesn't happen,they can be irritable.These tv serials distort the psychology of children.Shortly,the incidents of tv serials distort our society's culture sneakingly. 


20 Aralık 2012 Perşembe

multi-media entry 1


               This video is very funny and it shows my topics very well.Although it is a funny video,it says a lot of things about reading habit.Because of this,I chose this video.

          It shows that people have forgotten reading  book.Particularly,it is so today.Due to involvement of technology,people have been addicted to technology.Formerly,for there were not telephone,television,internet and so,people did not use to reach everything which they wanted.Reading habit was higher than today.People used to read everything which they  found.People was keen journals,magazines but today,due to internet,people do not buy books.Other occupations have emerged, so interest in books has decreased dramatically.

           We see on this video that the govenment is responsible from this.This is not only children's fault but also the government's fault.The govenment must make programs which are strategic,permanent and incentive about reading.The action to increase the number of readers must be started by  political power,non-governmental organizations,universities and media.

       In this topic,families must be conscious.They must introduce their children to books at early ages.The libraries must be multiplied.We must make the places where books are read a portion of coffee shops.

           When we start to read books,when we can be a friend with them,they can bring us the beauties and the prosperity which we want.We can be addicted to them and we can not give up them.

reflection entry 1


   Today,the libraries are empty and the books have not been opened and read 
whereas the rising of communuties take places with an increase in the number 
of books and libraries.In some researches,we see that there is a large difference between the number of libraries and the number of coffee shops.If this goes on in this way,we as a society can be convicted of slavery.
   While all the developed countries are reading books,what are we doing?Although there are important changes in Turkish society's social,economic and political conditions,people are not good at reading books,newspapers and magazines.People spend most of their time with useless things istead of reading.For instance,many adult men spend their time in coffee shops and they usually play games.Many young people spend their times on the net or they play games.Generally,many people commonly watch television.So,we have become a society sitting not reading,dreaming not thinking,taking ready not searching.

     As a country,we need people who are reading,searching,thinking,working,
producing.Only in this way,we can make amends our deficiencies and develop.So,reading books is very important.If we want to develop as an individual and as an society,we must do this.We can see examples of this on the words of Atatürk,too.