This video is very funny and it shows my topics very well.Although it is a funny video,it says a lot of things about reading habit.Because of this,I chose this video.
It shows that people have forgotten reading book.Particularly,it is so today.Due to involvement of technology,people have been addicted to technology.Formerly,for there were not telephone,television,internet and so,people did not use to reach everything which they wanted.Reading habit was higher than today.People used to read everything which they found.People was keen journals,magazines but today,due to internet,people do not buy books.Other occupations have emerged, so interest in books has decreased dramatically.
We see on this video that the govenment is responsible from this.This is not only children's fault but also the government's fault.The govenment must make programs which are strategic,permanent and incentive about reading.The action to increase the number of readers must be started by political power,non-governmental organizations,universities and media.
In this topic,families must be conscious.They must introduce their children to books at early ages.The libraries must be multiplied.We must make the places where books are read a portion of coffee shops.
When we start to read books,when we can be a friend with them,they can bring us the beauties and the prosperity which we want.We can be addicted to them and we can not give up them.
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